White Card Newcastle

Nationally Recognised

Book Newcastle Here $110

Same Day Certificate


This is an official white card course. You will get your White Card on the same day to begin work immediately in construction. Change your booking at any time.

View other White Card Locations in NSW

We offer White Card courses across 12 different locations throughout New South Wales and also throughout VIC & QLD. Our comprehensive construction induction training programs cover various industries and specialities.

White card NSW front & back

Registered Training
Organisation Certification & Safework Licensing

If deemed competent by the assessor they will issue you a slip on the same day as your assessment. This slip allows you to work straight away and covers you until you receive your white card.

After the assessment the RTO will notify Safework. You will receive a White Card in the mail shortly after

We offer great supportive trainers. Our trainer will stay back and help you if you are not understanding any part of the course.